I wrote some Ruby code to convert from Meeting Maker to iCal’s VCARD format. Then I sent it to Trek Glowaki and he rewrote it.
Here is my
Original Version. Trek’s much cleaner version is below – it shows some pretty Ruby idioms.
# add some magic to Nil objects to simplify .empty? calls below
class NilClass
def empty?
# ask for a file path and remove \r \n and \s from the end
puts "Path to meeting maker export:"
f = gets.chomp!.strip!
contacts = File.read(f).split("\n")
# first two lines are junk
2.times { contacts.shift }
# 3rd line is header data. Map to hash of value => position (e.g. "First Name" => 1)
h = {}
contacts.shift.split("\t").each_with_index {|contact,i| h[contact] = i}
contacts.each do |contact|
contact = contact.split("\t")
# skip the nameless ones
next if contact.at(h["First Name"]).empty? && contact.at(h["Last Name"]).empty?
# begin printing vcard
puts "VERSION:3.0"
# Name, which is a litle oddly formatted because of data presence / absence
print "N:"
print contact.at(h["Last Name"]) unless contact.at(h["Last Name"]).empty?
print ";"
print contact.at(h["First Name"]) unless contact.at(h["First Name"]).empty?
print ";;;\n"
print "FN:"
print contact.at(h["First Name"]) unless contact.at(h["First Name"]).empty?
print " " unless ( contact.at(h["First Name"]).empty? || contact.at(h["Last Name"]).empty? )
print contact.at(h["Last Name"]) unless contact.at(h["Last Name"]).empty?
print "\n";
# Address, also a little odd
unless contact.at(h["Address"]).empty? && contact.at(h["City"]).empty? && contact.at(h["State"]).empty? && contact.at(h["ZIP"]).empty? && contact.at(h["Country"]).empty?
print "item1.ADR;type=WORK;type=pref:;;"
# Assume they are contiguous
for index in h["Address"]..h["Country"] do
print contact.at(index) unless contact.at(index).empty?
print ";"
print "\n"
# The one liners, pretty easy
contact.each_with_index do |datum, i|
case h.index(i)
when "Company"
puts "ORG:" + datum + ";"
when "Title"
puts "TITLE:" + datum + ";"
when "Email"
puts "EMAIL;type=INTERNET;type=WORK;type=pref:" + datum
when "Work Phone"
puts "TEL;type=WORK;type=pref:" + datum
when "Home Phone"
puts "TEL;type=HOME;type=pref:" + datum
when "Mobile Phone"
puts "TEL;type=CELL;type=pref:" + datum
puts "END:VCARD"
print "\n"