Abstract: Building Sakai tools in the Cloud Using Google App Engine (WorkShop)
This workshop will introduce attendees to the Google App Engine and show how to write simple learning tools in Python and host them in Google App Engine. Then students will integrate their tools into Sakai using IMS Learning Tools Interoperability. The workshop will introduce Google App Engine and introduce IMS Learning Tools Interoperability and have a hands-on activity. Students should pre-install the Google App Engine environment on their laptop following instructions at www.appenginelearn.com.
Note To Reviewers: Please do not schedule this at the same time as a Sakai3 developer workshop because I want to go to the Sakai3 workshop myself.
Abstract: Outcome-Based Learning Tools at the U. Michigan Medical School
The University of Michigan is developing outcome-based approaches to Medical Education ranging from clinical experiences in first-year students to lifelong learning portfolios. The underlying principle of the program is outcome-based self-directed learning where the student manages their own plan-learn-assess-adjust cycles with help and guidance from faculty and mentors. The students are tracked against competencies and learning objectives throughout their education. We are developing new learning tools to support this educational model and approach. Instead of looking for a general one-size-fits-all solution, the team has chosen to take a very agile approach to building tools that meet the needs of the faculty, student, and institution. The focus is on quickly making useful and usable tools and getting the tools in the hands of the students and getting feedback. Tools are conceived, designed, developed, deployed, and used in learning activities in a 10-15 week cycle idea to production. Sakai is used to manage the course and launch these new tools using IMS Learning Tools Interoperability. The model is to create a fluid ecosystem of dynamic and innovative tools integrated into and coordinated by Sakai.