Kernel 1 – In the house

Our trunk is now reorganized to define a kernel – this will be a few days of angst – the contrib folks will need to react – Ian has provided a nice XSLT to get the pom.xml files fixed with minimal pain.
This will also make the 2-5-x branch management a little more dicey for 2-5-3, etc.
Progress is needed and this is a great time to take this plunge – when we have 2.5.2 in hand – and the 2-5-x branch is in pretty good shape – and we have some time before the 2.6 code freeze.
Folks not working on the deep bits of Sakai – might want to avoid doing an update for a few days – if you are working in the new Kernel area – you pretty much need to update and help figure out the new way.
Here is Ian’s note.
Again – thanks for the fine work, Ian!

K1 is now integrated in core as of r49761
There has been 1 casualty akaict, Message Forums wont start due to a
problem in PermissionLevelManagerImpl with the default permissions. I
have put a temporary fix in r49761 to allow Sakai to start (big
traceback in the startup). Sorry to the Message Forums team.
Since this is a major change you will need to clean out and rebuild.
svn update
mvn clean
# Its a good idea to clean out the local repo to ensure that really
do get fresh copies of dependencies.
rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/org/sakaiproject
#Gradebook tests are currently broken (have been for the past few
days), removing them will enable you to get a Full build with full
tests (such that they are)
rm -rf gradebook/app/standalone-app/src/test/
# Some version of maven can resolve ../master/pom.xml in a single
build, so build and install the master first
cd master
mvn install
# Do the main build, make 100% certain that your network connection
is *not* going to return a HTTP proxy authentication page, otherwise
you *will* get HTML instead of Jars at this point
cd ..
mvn install
# Make a cup of tea, eat a pizza, watch a 30 minute movie (as long as
it doesn’t involve bandwidth)
# You *will* see kernel SNAPSHOT artifacts being downloaded from the
Sakai maven repo. You will also see some other sakai artifacts,
pulled from various repos including hanging M2 artifacts cause by
RSF. These are Ok (you zapped your org.sakaiproject. local repo)
# Create yourself a *clean* tomcat deployment directory.
mvn sakai:deploy -Dmaven.tomcat.home=/Users/ieb/Caret/sakai22/
# This should deploy a Kernel assembly (downloaded from the maven
repo) as well as the whole of core.
/Users/ieb/Caret/sakai22/tomcatkernel/bin/ jpda run
# Should startup, go to http://localhost:8080/portal ( and after
that you should see absolutely no difference :) …. that was worth
it, wasnt it!)
# In the logs, you will see the sakai-kernel-component starting up.
If you do a svn status you will see a bunch of projects no longer in
rm -rf entity component event db util cluster jcr
will clean them up
I have tested the build multiple times now, and will be offline for
the next few hours, but will pick up again this evening to try and
help or fix what I have broken.