My good fortune continues. today I spent the day at Marc Alier’s home on the north side of Barcelona near the beach. The first part of the day was spent talking and meeting everyone over a long lunch that included several kinds of Cava, snails, and Risotto.
Then Jordi and I spent about an hour designing the Moodle Module and Filter for the Simple LTI consumer tool. We talked about the structures and what additional features to add if we got done early. The basic outline was to work on the Launcher, the admin configuration of final configuration variables, virtual tools, a two-layer identity data sandbox mechanism, and a set of admin tracking, monitoring, white-list/black-list features under the control of the administrator.
Then Marc, Jordi, and I went to the beach on bikes. It was very nice and warm and we took a short swim. The cardinality of the set of female beach clothing configurations was one larger than on any other beach I had visited before – so that was an interesting experience.
When we got back we had Horchata and ice cream and talked about Texas Hold-em poker and how America might change as gas prices continue to increase.
P.S. Spain has already lowered their national speed limit to conserve fuel – making all unhappy – which might come to the US sooner than we think.