Sent to the WURFL List

Hello all, I am using WURFL in the Sakai collaboration system (
Like several others – I found the need to “touch up” the Java APIs so I grabbed a copy of the code, put it in our SVN.
I added an acknowledgement to Sakai’s acknowledgements:
The main thing I needed to fix was that the Loos match was too loose :) I ultimately needed to decide whether or not I *had* a mobile device from the user agent. So I made some new code that effectively takes the UA sets it to lower case, removes spaces and numbers and then demands an exact match to the UA in WURFL (with the text reduction aplied to the UA)
This handles a lot of situations where the version numbers increment but nothing else changes in a UA.
I also was bummed that I could not get the actual UA form a device id that I got from a Loose lookup.
I also did what others did and got rid of the System.out.printlns.
I am happy for others to use these mods or contribute them.
Again – thanks for the work on WURFL.
Charles Severance