Daily Archives: April 22, 2007

WURFL (Wireless Universal Resource File) added to PDA support in Sakai

Coming back form the airport – I was playing with my Treo and realized that if I *knew* I was talking to a narrow device, I could do things like place the “Log In” text more nicely.
There was a discussion on the dev list a whle back about a thing called WURFL(Wireless Universal Resource File) that gave yo all kinds of properties about mobile phones. So at 6AM on a bus, I decided to “look into” what it would take. Now about 20 hours later I have it ready to go :) It was trickier than I thought.
The biggest issue was the existing Java APIs around WURFL did a really bad job of matching user agents – particularly when a Treo 600 user agent changes on upgrades with minor versions change on the browser compatibility.
So, I pulled the source into Sakai, fixed it, added an acknowledgement, and made it work for the PDA portal. All to save a line on my Treo 600 display :)
I put in my stock dev notes that have little or no meaning.

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