Daily Archives: April 16, 2007

The Sakai Frameless Portal is *Alive*

For me, one of my personal holy grails has been the elimination of all frames – another step has been taken in that direction and is now in the trunk of Sakai for you to use and play with. Over the past few weeks I have been working on changing the Sakai PDA portal to eliminate the *last* frame and blend the navigation of Sakai with the tool.
Here is a picture of frameless Sakai running on the PSP and some pictures of the portal running on my Treo.
I got a PSP for my son Brent yesterday for his birthday and he was quite unhappy as I immediately took it from him for several hours as I tested it out on the new Sakai frameless PDA portal. He will be even less happy if I tell him I need to take his brand-new PSP to the IMS Learning Impact meeting all next week so I can do demos. :)

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