Two Abstracts for the Sakai Virtual Conference – November 7, 2018

These are two abstracts I wrote for the Sakai Virtual Conference ( on November 7, 2018. This is a great conference – it has a good number of tracks and is virtual so it can be attended by people around the world at very low cost.

OAuth 2.0, Public / Private Keys, and LTI 1.3, Oh My!

This session will cover the basic technologies that underlie IMS Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) version 1.3 that makes use of OAuth 2.0, Public/Private Keys, and Java Web Tokens.  This session is about the technologies and there will be another session that will cover how LTI 1.3 is built into and works within Sakai 19.

Looking at LTI 1.3 in Sakai-19

This session will cover the end-user and administrator user interface for the support for LTI 1.3 in Sakai-19.   This session will not cover the implementation details and underlying technologies used to implement LTI 1.3 – that will be a separate session.