Progress on LTI 1.3 and LTI Advantage in Sakai and Tsugi

I have been making good progress towards LTI Advantage in Sakai – the following have initial implementations and are in Master:

– LTI 1.3 Core

– LTI 1.3 Basic Outcomes

– LTI 1.3 Lineitem

– LTI 1.3 Names and Roles (with a Groups extension available)

The specs are still somewhat in flux so as we clean up bits here and there the code will evolve but the major work is in place.  

Like I have mentioned before,  I have a nice set of utility routines in to handle OAuth 2.0, Access Tokens, Java Web Tokens, and PKI message signing.  The speed at which I can roll out new web services using the LTI 1.3 security model is pretty amazing.   I adapted the old Sakai memberships extension to become LTI 1.3 Names and Roles with the OAuth 2.0 security model in less than two days because of the nice OAuth 2.0 infrastructure I have built.

As Sakai evolves, so does Tsugi.  I use Tsugi to test all the Sakai LTI 1.3 implementations.  I have built an LTI 1.3 test harness in Tsugi that exercises the LTI 1.3 APIs:

I will get this into production on one of my Tsugi servers so when I write LTI 1.3 QA documentation we will have a ready made server to work with.

You can track activity this by watching the JIRAs connected to this JIRA:

Up next for LTI Advantage:

– LTI 1.3 ContentItem – Should be < 1 week

– LTI 1.3 Assignments and Grades – ???

The Assignments and Grades is the most intricate spec so I will leave its implementation as my last task.