Mexican Food of Note in Southeast Michigan

At the University of Michigan School of Information we have this mailing list we call “” that is prone to interesting long threads about everything from traffic tickets to lost laptop power supplies to where the GIF has moved to since the first bar got too full.

Recently there was a thread titled ” [Ann Arbor Mexican Food] Amazing Discovery” where it started out with one person talking about a restaurant they particularly liked. This triggered many follow on comments that made me very hungry.

I decided to turn the thread into a personal gastronomic TODO list. It may take a while before I get to all these places – but now I have a plan. Just Google these strings – you will find them quickly enough.

Taqueria La Fiesta, in Ypsilanti, MI

Taqueria La Fiesta at 4060 Packard, Ann Arbor, MI

Evie’s Tamales, Detroit, MI

Taqueria Lupita’s, Detroit, MI

Nuevo Leon, Detroit, MI

El Zocalo, Detroit, MI

TMAZ Taqueria, 3182 Packard Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48108

Xochimilco, Detroit MI