Mission: AC/DC

A few months back, I promised Brent that we would go see AC/DC. I kind of figure that this is likely the last chance to see them touring. Unfortunately they were in Detroit on November 5 and I was away at an IMS meeting. There were several other options – there was a Saturday date in Chicago and some week day dates in Cleveland and Columbus. I teach during the week so the weekday dates were impractical.
The only other weekend dates were in Los Angeles at the Forum. So Brent and I will be off to Los Angeles to see AC/DC on December 6 in the Forum. He will miss one day of school (Monday). The seats are not so great – I got them from StubHub at about 2.5X face value – the tickets are pretty pricey but this probably is the last opportunity for another 5-10 years – so what the heck. CHristmas comes a little early.