Saying: As a Parent, You don’t want your child’s education awarded to the low bidder

I was talking to Meghan Genovese about the new Informatics class and we were laughing about how those who predict the future of education are often off the mark. When it comes to our own education – we prefer the safe haven of bricks and mortar.
My funny retort was, “As a parent, you don’t want your child’s education awarded to the low bidder.”
Although seriously – within that notion (again as a parent) – I might award the contract for *part* of my child’s education to those who demonstrate that they teach better (regardless of cost) – and then award the rest of the contract for my child’s education to the organization which will help her be the best adult she can be and help her prepare for a diverse set of career paths and choices.
They say that one never can understand education well enough to affect the education of your own children. This is sadly true – because you only learn the right thing to do afterwards! Too bad I didn’t have like six children – I could then call the first two of them “proof of concept” and “prototype” – and after making all the mistakes on the first two – be spot on for the rest of them.