Morning Commute, Serendipity, GEOtagging Pictures, and Hot Coffee

At 7:28 AM, Lance Speelmon is hurtling through rural Indiana on Route 37 on the way to work – probably doing about 90 if I know Lance His random shuffle decides to pick a song that he and I listened to in New Orleans a long time ago – Bryan Lee and the Jump Street 5 – singing “Waiting on Ice”. Lance thinks of me and snaps this photo with his Blackberry iPhone and sends it to me:

At 7:47 AM I happen to be on line at home with a cup of coffee and see Lance’s picture/note. So I fire off a note saying hi with a smiley. Then I see the time of the note and fire off another note guessing that he is on his morning commute enroute to Indianapolis.
And then at 7:51, I idly wonder if his photo is GEOtagged. SO I pop it up in iPhoto and indeed it is and it was taken right here:

So he *was* on the way in to work – because his car was in the northbound lane.
Fun stuff.
At 8:00 AM, I went to Google Maps to use live satellite imaging to see if I could actually find where his car was on route 37. I quickly realized that we still have to wait a few years before Google puts 1000 cameras in low earth orbit to support live satellite imaging in Google Maps. So I gave up finding Lance on live satellite image (at least for now).
And then by 8:04 AM – I had written a blog post about it.
And then by 8:09 AM – I had a twitter about my blog post.
And then at 8:10 AM – I sent Lance a note with the URL of the blog post.
And then I went back to my coffee..
And it was still hot.
Update: At 8:15 Lance read my blog post and informed me that it was his iPhone 3G – so I fixed the post. But that got me thinking – does the 3G do Geotagging right when it sends pictures right from the phone… Now I finally might have a good reason to get the 3G.