Daily Archives: December 29, 2024

Dr. Chuck’s Social Media Footprint

This is a list of my social media accounts and how I use them:

BluesSky – https://bsky.app/profile/dr-chuck.bsky.social – I use this for just stream of consciousness things – interesting stuff in my life – not highly produced – just in-the-moment stuff.

YouTube (Plus) – https://www.youtube.com/@DrChuckPlus – This is my new YouTube Channel where I will do stuff, live my life, show motorcycle videos, racing videos, do shorts, be frivolous at times. I will do live events on this channel. You can also find this at https://plus.dr-chuck.com/

LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/charlesseverance/ – This is where I do work social media stuff and live events that are work-related.

YouTube (Classic) – https://www.youtube.com/@ChuckSeverance – This is my original YouTube channel from 2006 – it has more than 100K viewers and has never (and will never) be monetized because it is where all my educational content is released. When I build educational content it will be released here.

Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/drchuck42 – This is my informal stream platform. Things like live office hours and live coding happen here. All my live events will be on Twitch – some will be re-streamed on YouTube, Twitter, or LinkedIn depending on content. Following me on Twitch gets you access to the most “inside” stuff.