Daily Archives: April 3, 2011

Governance: The Spider, Starfish, and Sakaiger

I proposed the following as a BOF for the Sakai Conference this June 14-16 in Los Angeles. It is a crazy idea based on my SI124 – Network Thinking course.


This will start with a 20 minute summary presentation of the book, “The Starfish and the Spider”, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Starfish_and_the_Spider) followed by an open-ended discussion about governance models for open source projects. Participants are encouraged to read the book before the conference. But for those who don’t feel like reading the whole book, we will provide a short summary of the book that folks can either read before they come to the meeting or even in the first few minutes of the BOF.

Abstract: Introducing the Sakai CLE 2.9 Portal

I just Submitted this Abstract to the Sakai Conference June 14-16, 2011:


The Sakai 2.9 CLE portal has a whole new look and feel focused on a more efficient and engaging user experience in Sakai. This session will present new features of the Sakai CLE 2.9 Portal including the new navigation, site preferences, and Chat/Instant message system. The session will look at both the user experience as well as the technical underpinnings of how the new portal works. With the code freeze for Sakai 2.9 coming up in September, it will be a good opportunity to get community input on the changes for the 2.9 release. We will discuss the remaining CLE 2.9 challenges and issues to be worked on over the summer and through to the code freeze. We will also discuss possible areas for investment for the Sakai 2.9 CLE after the 2.9 release.