Thoughts on Google Summer of Code 2008

Sakai/IMS had two great students (Kathleen/Jordi) and one student who did not complete the project – this is pretty typical success rate for Google Summer of Code. Leslie Hawthorn – our fearless SOC leader asked the list of mentors how we could better deal with students who did not make the cut by the end of the program. Here is a simplified version of my note to Leslie and the list.

Leslie – A couple of comments
(a) Keep the mentor ratio to 1:1 – this was a recommendation – I just did not believe it – but in retrospect – I do believe it. Mentor hours are more precious and limited than I thought in the middle of a busy and fun summer. Even for us faculty with summers “off”.
(b) I needed to be much more clear about the SOC being a full-time job for the student.
(c) There is too little time in the summer to do on-the-job training for basic skills. Mentoring needs to be mentoring – not one-on-one tutoring of programming skills.
I wrote an entrance exam for the students but chose *not* to give my “entrance exam” because I was afraid that skilled students would not bother applying to my project because other projects did not have an entrance exam.
Here is my exam (never given)
Here is my recommendation: Lets come up with a couple of “pre-exams” – (look at mine for an example) and use them across SOC. We could make 10 or so exams – PHP, C, C++, Javascript, etc etc. Make the exams have genuine activities like “check xyz out from SVN and compile it”. Make it so students take these exams as part of their application process – and if they pass them – SOC gives them a “Java skillz inside” indicator. This way we all know which students have some skills and have taken the initiative to take a few hours and demonstrate those skills – these “certified students” would naturally have an advantage when applying to whichever project they applied to.
It would also allow LH and crew to better get a sense of which students were serious and which had real skillz as well.
The problem is that if I byte the bullet and do the exam – then I may end up with zero students as they look for easier doors to try. If this is a SOC-wide thing then all projects benefit and all projects and students come at this on equal footing.
We might want to get together and work up these exams as a community – If GSOC could not scare up the resources to write the software to track the certification process – perhaps a few of us could write an App Engine app to do it – hey it is already integrated with Google accounts…
Thinking out loud.