Daily Archives: February 28, 2008

IMS Learning Tools Interoperability 2.0 – Progress

At the last IMS meeting, a lot of progress was made on IMS LTI 2.0 – I am now very excited about this spec and have pretty much switched my efforts from IMS TI 1.0 to IMS LTI 2.0.
The key is the amazing work and investment on the part of Wimba (www.wimba.com). Marc Ritter of Wimba has done some super work – he did a great demo of an BlackBoard building block working with Wimba to pull Wimba into Blackboard – they are also working on a Moodle Module as well.
Not wanting to be left out when cool code is starting to work – I worked with Marc to connect Wimba into Sakai using his early version of LTI 2.0. Here are screenshots:
Wimba Running in Sakai using LTI 2.0
Wimba running in BlackBoard using LTI 2.0
This is very exciting – more soon on making Sakai and SiteMaker working together using LTI 2.0.