Notes on Bootstrapping a Mac Desktop to be a server

Some of the little bits of Mac setup as I retired my home Linux server and made my Mac Desktop also my server.

Moving ssh to a new port

None of these matter.
SSHD is started from xinetd
Mac uses xinetd
This does not specify the port because xinetd is doing the listening and by the time it starts sshd, the port is already established.
So where does it do it?
ssh 1222/udp # SSH Remote Login Protocol
ssh 1222/tcp # SSH Remote Login Protocol

Moving the Apache DocumentRoot

Port 8081
DocumentRoot “/Users/csev/www”
<Directory “/Users/csev/www”>

Turning on PHP in Apache

LoadModule php4_module libexec/httpd/
AddModule mod_php4.c

Turning on Apache and SSH

Apple-> System Preferences-> Sharing
Check “Remote Login” (ssh) and “Personal Web Sharing” (apache)