Report from Illinois

Well the long trip has begun. The first stop is at UIUC to kick off Integration Week for the NEESpop version 2.2 – We worked on lots of little things – did some design reviews of upcoming software and generally kicked the tires on the stuff in 2.2.
One of these pictures in MINI-Most and the other is a design document of how to build a new DAQ-control capability into CHEF as part of the experiment browser as well as how to store data from the DAQ into the repository in the most natural way and using Data Turbine as the transport for the live and/or stored data. It is a lot of software, but we are finally starting to come up with tools that both work technically and fit the user’s needs and work-style requirements. There is a LOT of work left to do but the hardest part is understanding what to do – this picture may look simple but it took a lot of work between the IT folks and engineers on the project and experience with our earlier versions of the NEESpop to get us to the point where the way forward is clear. There are a lot of people who get credit for getting us to this point: Kincho, Jim, Jun, Ken, Tim, Drew, Chen, Jerry, Paul, …
Today I have to leave and go off to Washington DC tomorrow for the NSF PI Meeting for the NMI Portals project. That should be fun – for the first time, I will see the rest of the NMI PIs and get a sense of how we can best fit in.