Writing a bookWell – I

Writing a book

Well – I had 20 hours in planes and airports and had a chance to go back after Rich and my on-again off-again book. This time (the fifth try) I want to call the book “Building and Maintaining a Home or Small Office Network”.
It was not so hard because all through the different directions that we have taken the book, at its heart the book that we wanted to write was a step above the rest of the books. I just eliminated all the “using stuff” and focused on the building, understanding, and maintaining.
One cool idea is to get www.homenetworkguys.com up and running. And then turn any chapter that did not fit into the new book into a standalone tutorial – as such we end up with three tutorials plus some tutorials from the first version of the book from 1999.
So after I got off the plane in Detroit, the first draft was done and ready for close-in read-through – very-cool.
What is even cooler is that I did part of the writing white watching under the Tuscan Sun – A chick flick about writer who gets divorced and moves to Italy on a whim – OK as chick flicks go – pretty formulaic.