- How do we indicate that we want a secure connection when using a web browser?
Use https:// in the URL
Use a secure web browser
Open an incognito window
Manually encode the address of the server using SHA1
- Why is a shared-secret approach not suitable for use on the Internet?
Because people would lose or misplace the secret
It is difficult to distribute the secrets
Encryption and decryption with shared secrets are too easily broken
Encryption and decryption with shared secrets take too much compute power
- What is the underlying mathematical concept that makes public/private key encryption secure?
Continuous functions
Taylor series
Karnaugh Maps
Prime numbers
- Which of the keys can be sent across the Internet in plain text without compromising security?
Encryption key
Decryption Key
Shared Secret
Univerally Safe Key (USK)
- Where does the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) fit in the four-layer Internet architecture?
Below the Link layer
Between the Link and Internetworking layers
Between the Internetworking and Transport layers
Between the Transport and Application layers
- If you were properly using https in a browser over WiFi in a cafe, which of the following is the greatest risk to your losing credit card information when making an online purchase?
Someone captured the packets that were sent across the WiFi
Someone captured the packets in the gateway router
Someone captured the packets as they passed through a core Intenet router
You have a virus on your computer that is capturing keystrokes
- With the Secure Sockets Layer, where are packets encrypted and decrypted?
They are encrypted and decrypted as they pass through the router
Each physical link has its own separate encryption
They are encrypted in your computer and decrypted in the server
They are encrypted in the WiFi gateway and decrypted in the last router before the destination computer
- What changes to the IP layer were needed to make secure socket layer (SSL) work?
No changes were needed
We had to add support for Secure IP (IPSEC)
We needed to support longer packets in IP
The Time-To-Live (TTL) value needed to be encrypted
- If a rogue element was able to monitor all packets going through an undersea cable and you were using public/private key encryption properly, which of the following would be the most difficult for them to obtain?
What servers you were communicating with
How often you used the servers
How much data you retrieved from the servers
Which documents you retrieved from the servers
- What is the purpose of a Certificate Authority in public/private key encryption?
To make sure people do not forge badges for learning activities
To make sure packets get routed to the correct destination computer
To assure us that a public key comes from the organization it claims to be from
To choose when a particular country must switch from IPv4 to IPv6
- The ARPANET network was in operation starting in the 1960s. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) was not invented util the 1980s. How did the ARPANET insure the security of the data on its network?
By using public/private keys and encrypting all transmissions
By using encryption at the Link layer
By making sure no one could access the physical links
By only using secure WiFi routers
- Which of these answers is "Security is fun" encrypted with a Caesar Cipher shift of 1.
Ptsjduao rt dii
Wentudhs di dju
Tfdvsjuz jt gvo
Asdfghjk qw zxc
- What Caesar Cipher shift was used to encrypt "V yvxr frphevgl"?