----- if 12345 < 12346: print "Hello world" else: print "Bad Logic" ----- /* 1 */ var $scope0=(function($modname){var $blk=0,$exc=[],$gbl={},$loc=$gbl;$gbl.__name__=$modname;while(true){try{ switch($blk){case 0: /* --- module entry --- */ /* 2 */ // /* 3 */ // line 1: /* 4 */ // if 12345 < 12346: /* 5 */ // ^ /* 6 */ // /* 7 */ /* 8 */ Sk.currLineNo = 1; /* 9 */ Sk.currColNo = 0 /* 10 */ /* 11 */ /* 12 */ Sk.currFilename = './hello.py'; /* 13 */ /* 14 */ var $compareres1=null;var $compare2=Sk.misceval.richCompareBool(12345,12346,'Lt');$compareres1=$compare2;var $jfalse3=($compare2===false||!Sk.misceval.isTrue($compare2));if (Sk.execStart === undefined) {Sk.execStart=new Date()}if (Sk.execLimit != null && new Date() - Sk.execStart > Sk.execLimit) {throw new Error('Program exceeded run time limit.')}if($jfalse3){/*test failed */$blk=3;continue;}if (Sk.execStart === undefined) {Sk.execStart=new Date()}if (Sk.execLimit != null && new Date() - Sk.execStart > Sk.execLimit) {throw new Error('Program exceeded run time limit.')}$blk=3;/* jump */continue;goog.asserts.fail('unterminated block');case 1: /* --- end of if --- */return $loc;goog.asserts.fail('unterminated block');case 2: /* --- next branch of if --- */ /* 15 */ // /* 16 */ // line 4: /* 17 */ // print "Bad Logic" /* 18 */ // ^ /* 19 */ // /* 20 */ /* 21 */ Sk.currLineNo = 4; /* 22 */ Sk.currColNo = 4 /* 23 */ /* 24 */ /* 25 */ Sk.currFilename = './hello.py'; /* 26 */ /* 27 */ var $str9=new Sk.builtins['str']('Bad Logic');Sk.misceval.print_(new Sk.builtins['str']($str9).v);Sk.misceval.print_("\n");if (Sk.execStart === undefined) {Sk.execStart=new Date()}if (Sk.execLimit != null && new Date() - Sk.execStart > Sk.execLimit) {throw new Error('Program exceeded run time limit.')}$blk=1;/* jump */continue;goog.asserts.fail('unterminated block');case 3: /* --- done --- */var $compareres4=null;var $compare5=Sk.misceval.richCompareBool(12345,12346,'Lt');$compareres4=$compare5;var $jfalse6=($compare5===false||!Sk.misceval.isTrue($compare5));if (Sk.execStart === undefined) {Sk.execStart=new Date()}if (Sk.execLimit != null && new Date() - Sk.execStart > Sk.execLimit) {throw new Error('Program exceeded run time limit.')}if($jfalse6){/*test failed */$blk=4;continue;}if (Sk.execStart === undefined) {Sk.execStart=new Date()}if (Sk.execLimit != null && new Date() - Sk.execStart > Sk.execLimit) {throw new Error('Program exceeded run time limit.')}$blk=4;/* jump */continue;goog.asserts.fail('unterminated block');case 4: /* --- done --- */var $jfalse7=($compareres4===false||!Sk.misceval.isTrue($compareres4));if (Sk.execStart === undefined) {Sk.execStart=new Date()}if (Sk.execLimit != null && new Date() - Sk.execStart > Sk.execLimit) {throw new Error('Program exceeded run time limit.')}if($jfalse7){/*test failed */$blk=2;continue;} /* 28 */ // /* 29 */ // line 2: /* 30 */ // print "Hello world" /* 31 */ // ^ /* 32 */ // /* 33 */ /* 34 */ Sk.currLineNo = 2; /* 35 */ Sk.currColNo = 4 /* 36 */ /* 37 */ /* 38 */ Sk.currFilename = './hello.py'; /* 39 */ /* 40 */ var $str8=new Sk.builtins['str']('Hello world');Sk.misceval.print_(new Sk.builtins['str']($str8).v);Sk.misceval.print_("\n");if (Sk.execStart === undefined) {Sk.execStart=new Date()}if (Sk.execLimit != null && new Date() - Sk.execStart > Sk.execLimit) {throw new Error('Program exceeded run time limit.')}$blk=1;/* jump */continue;goog.asserts.fail('unterminated block');} }catch(err){if ($exc.length>0) { $blk=$exc.pop(); continue; } else { throw err; }} }}); Hello world -----