Daily Archives: December 8, 2012

Abstracts for EuroSakai 2013 – Paris

I sent in two abstracts for the EuroSakai 2013 in Paris January 28-30, 2013. Here are my abstracts:

Experiences with Massive Open Online Courses

Dr. Severance taught the online course “Internet History, Technology, and Security” during 2012 using the Coursera teaching platform. The course had over 56,000 registered students from all over the world and 5,000 received a certificate. In this keynote, we will look at the current trends in teaching and learning technology as well as look at technology and pedagogy behind the course, and behind Coursera in general. We will look at the data gathered for the course and talk about what worked well and what could be improved. Dr. Severance is also teaching an independent MOOC starting in January 2014 using technology of his own making and he will report on those efforts to date. We will also look at emergent effects in the MOOC space including recent entries and efforts as well as look toward the future of where MOOCs are headed and what their impact might be. We will also look at possible new architectures for MOOCs the role of open source in the emerging MOOC ecosystem.


[1] http://www.coursera.org/
[2] http://class.stanford.edu/
[3] http://online.dr-chuck.com/ (may be under construction…)

Directions for Standards in Teaching and Learning

This presentation will cover a wide range of topics around evolving standards for teaching and learning. First we will look at the well-established standard of IMS Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) and Common Cartridge (CC) and look at the market penetration of each of the standards. Then we will look at upcoming standards form IMS like LTI 2.0 and give a sense of where they fit into the marketplace. And then looking beyond IMS, we will look at how EPUB3 may have a very significant impact in the LMS market and examine the overlap between the IMS standards and ODPF (EPUB3) standards. We will also talk about open source projects around EPUB3 and other content authoring efforts.


[1] http://www.imsglobal.org/
[2] http://www.ipdf.org/
[3] http://developers.imsglobal.org/
[4] Readium: Digital Publishing Meets Open Web
[5] Bill McCoy (IDPF) – Introducing ePUB3