Monthly Archives: October 2006


Well, I went to dinner here in Bathurst with the folks from Charles Sturt and Nathan Bailey of Monash showed up for a meeting tomorrow and James Dalziel of LAMS and MacQuarie fame was there as well.
Here is a cool picture of Nathan Bailey, Mike RIbecci, and James Dalziel – Matt is just to the left out of the picture.
What a trip – San Francisco, New Zealand and Australia. Tomorrow morning – back to San Francicso and then home :)

Open Source – “Free like a Puppy”

Brad Wheeler send around the following excerpt from the Chronicle of Higher Education:
It is a nice article about how there is often a place for a blending of commercial and open source products at an institution.
It also invented the phrase “Open Source Software is Free – as in Free Puppy”.

Rain in Phoenix

Yesterday I saw rain in Phoenix. I never thought I would ever see rain in Phoenix.
Here is a video of rain in Phoenix that I offer as proof:
Cool thing – it is raining again today!

Which Language To Use

A friend asked me to comment on which language to use and which was better. I whipped up this response.
I also was at the bookstore and skimmed a idtiotic book called From Java to Ruby written by Bruce A. Tate. It is a fun read but the guy is a moron. it got me thinking.
Don’t get me wrong – I like Ruby and see it as a neat point on the evolution of languages and explores neat space blending framework and language – but it is only a point solution and the book suggests that Ruby is a whole new species and will be LAMP – Hah!
There are a lot of contenders for the “What will be next after C# and Java burn out”. Ruby is cool but does not raise its head above the crowd.

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